martes, 29 de junio de 2010

About Drawing

Something that I love about other people's drawings is how lively, how much personality their drawings have, even if they are just sketches. That's something I haven't learned yet, as my drawings always seem so bland and emotionless to me.

I've been drawing on my breaks at my job. I'm very shy about drawing in public but I hope to get over that. I really need to be less shy about my work, since that's what makes me draw things so plain. I always want to make them look good, but I can't put emotion into them.

About my job, I still have trouble adapting, and I'm always afraid to screw up the new things I have to do. I really hope I get better at this, because it's something very frustrating and makes me very stressed.

Anyway, I think I'm going to sleep now. I notices today I make about 30 minutes to my job in bus, so it's not as bad as I thought. I'll try to wake early tomorrow and draw some sketches.

Good night people!

- Zoichi (Twenty)

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