miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

My first paycheck!

Yey, i just got my first paycheck from my new job! It totally makes all the stress worth it... well maybe not since it's only half of what I should get xD but it feels good to know I'm getting paid for what I'm doing.

It seems all jobs are the same anyway, badly planned things, having a them vs. us philosophy, but at least it seems to be better than my last job. Also, I have more than enough time to eat and there's a nice "park" in front of the building so I can relax a lot in my breaks, and also draw things n.n

Oh! Also, Roger Waters is coming to Mexico! I have to go to that concert! >w< it's probably my only chance to see The Wall live. Wish me luck!

- Zoichi (Twenty)

martes, 29 de junio de 2010

About Drawing

Something that I love about other people's drawings is how lively, how much personality their drawings have, even if they are just sketches. That's something I haven't learned yet, as my drawings always seem so bland and emotionless to me.

I've been drawing on my breaks at my job. I'm very shy about drawing in public but I hope to get over that. I really need to be less shy about my work, since that's what makes me draw things so plain. I always want to make them look good, but I can't put emotion into them.

About my job, I still have trouble adapting, and I'm always afraid to screw up the new things I have to do. I really hope I get better at this, because it's something very frustrating and makes me very stressed.

Anyway, I think I'm going to sleep now. I notices today I make about 30 minutes to my job in bus, so it's not as bad as I thought. I'll try to wake early tomorrow and draw some sketches.

Good night people!

- Zoichi (Twenty)

lunes, 28 de junio de 2010

Being in my new job

Agh, I still feel weird about my new job x_x I feel pretty stupid and clumsy since there are many things I don't know and I feel like they expected more from me when I got the job.

It's actually a very interesting job, programming with new stuff, getting to know more tools and frameworks, but I think I joined in a time with a lot of pressure and thus I don't get enough time to catch up to all these new things.

Another thing that makes me feel that way is that they work in a way that I haven't worked before, but they seem to expect me to already know how to do it their way. Maybe it's not much my fault but it still feels bad to be treated like you should know it already, you know?

Anyway, just what I've been feeling today. I hope tomorrow it's a little different, I just hope I don't get fired or something for not catching up fast enough x3;

- Zoichi (Twenty)

domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

Inspiring Artists

When I began drawing, I was impressed by how different and beautiful was the art from other people, and was amazed that such beautiful things could be drawn. I wanted to someday draw beautiful art like them and thus watched a lot of them.

However lately I've noticed that with all the artists I watch it has become kind of a mechanical thing to go trough their art and see this amazing art, without thinking much about it. I feel like that amazement I used to feel isn't there anymore, at least not most of the time.

So I decided to now keep a short list of amazing art that I want to follow, and to learn from those artists that really inspire me to draw more.

Here's a list of three artists I saw today, that really make me feel like art is more than drawing lines and emotionless characters in a piece of paper.


I'll be cleaning my FA and DA pages these days and try to draw things with more emotion from now on... I really hope someday I can become as good as those artists.

And those that say "Oh, but you're already good!", well, I don't think I'm that good, and I'm not the kind of "good" that I want to be.

See ya tomorrow

- Zoichi (Twenty)

Just starting!

Hello there!

This blog was created to have a place where to put my ideas, thoghts, drawings and programming things to share with other people! The main idea is for me to just write whatever I want to write about, like most other blogs around =P So don't expect a lot of useful things here.

Still, I think I'll mainly post sketches and thoughts here, and my goal is to post at least one entry per day =P I hope I manage to keep my goal!

I think I've had other places to post things before but I just don't feel confident enough to write things. But I want to change that, and I like the simplicity of Blogspot, so I decided to create a blog here.

I hope you like!

- Zoichi (Twenty)